Las Vegas Locos in Peter King’s MMQB This Week

On this past Saturday in Omaha the Locos won the UFL Championship over the Florida Tuskers for the second year in a row.  Peter King’s Monday Morning Quarterback column in his Achievement Section picked Special Teams player of the week as Alfred Malone and as Coach of the Week both Jim Fassel!  Read More HERE

After the game on Saturday, the charter flight back to Vegas did not leave until Sunday morning so we had a night still in Omaha, Mitch and I were at the bar (I know but it was happy hour) and Coach Fassel comes up and orders a drink, Mitch and I step in and buy him a drink.  We start talking about the game with him and his phone rings, he looks down and says “Sorry guys need to step away, Peter King is on the line”.  So what did Mitch and I do? We finished our drink and then in some bizarre scene from a movie TE Adam Bergen started handing out whole pies in the lobby, so we sat down and ate half of a free apple pie that Adam gave us.  Yes the bizarro world of Mitch and Dug!